Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thoughts and Comments on the movie “God’s Not Dead”

For centuries, it’s been a problem among Christians to prove the existence of God. To do this, they need philosophy. But, we all know that the works of the great Greek and Roman philosophers was lost during the darkest days of what we called Middle Ages in Europe. Fortunately, the Arabs preserved many of the works of the Hellenistic world and will eventually circulate again in Europe during what some historians called “the Renaissance of the 12th century.” Many theologians became philosophers and they attempted to make a philosophical basis for the Christian faith (that is now famously known as Catholicism). The most brilliant of these theologian-philosophers was St. Thomas Aquinas.
What Aquinas did is that he reconciled Christianity and philosophy, particularly Aristotelian philosophy. As opposed to what Richard Dawkins and some atheists say, Aquinas said that faith and reason could go in harmony. His system of philosophy is so complex that even an intelligent reader could feel stupid (of course, this is an exaggeration) if he tries to read his works even with a supplementary material. His greatest work, Summa Theologica, though remained unfinished prior to his death, continue to fascinate philosophers until today. (And I bet the atheist Richard Dawkins is largely ignorant of this work.)
Since Catholicism is the only known true Christian church before the Reformation, Christian ideology is respected by various Renaissance sceptics because of the complexity of Catholic philosophy. But everything changed and all the brilliant works of the Catholic theologian-philosophers were killed when the Reformation took place and the Apostate Protestant churches where formed. These Apostates, of course, shifted from Catholic philosophy and made a more stupid treatment of Christian ideology. These Protestants became the ancestors of Christians who are opposed to the Theory of Evolution and Big Bang Theory. This trait was now the stereotype used by atheists to describe Christians.
But not all Christians are anti-reason. There are open-minded Christians who also believe in evolution and Big Bang, like His Holiness, Pope Francis, who said that “God is not a wizard with a magic wand. Christianity and the scientific theories about the origins of the world are compatible. I accept the theory of evolution and the big bang theory. People with hate in their hearts mock God, for they don’t understand that God is nothing else than LOVE.” As a result many atheists in the 9gag (9gagger here!) loved him and described him as “the best pope.”    

The movie “God is Not Dead” had a portion where a theist student argues with is atheist professor. At first, the atheist professor forced the whole class to write “God is Dead” on a piece of paper with a signature. Everyone followed except a student named Josh. The prof then make Josh defend his belief that God exists, otherwise Josh will fail his subject. At first, I was excited about what will Josh tell, until the actual debate came out. I was disappointed that Josh only proved that the atheists have holes in their logics, but did not prove the existence of God. This is one of the reasons why atheists see Christians as idiot arguers. If you’re just gonna make an argument could you please make it intelligent?!
 One of the elements in the movie that agitated me is the element where Christians are portrayed as proud followers of Christ—going to “Christian rock band” concerts and texting “God’s not dead” to everyone. Don’t they know that Jesus Christ himself taught us to worship God in private and be humble and not make a show of you worshiping God! (See Matthew 6:5-6).  

(No need for a useless conclusion. Brevity is best.)       

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