Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Higgs>Dawkins and Hawking

Peter Higgs>Dawkins and Hawking—of course I’m not comparing them there as scientists, but as atheists. Peter Higgs, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking—three contemporary scientific giants. (For those who don’t know them... Higgs is the Nobel Prize winning physicist who predicted the Higgs Boson; and Dawkins is the evolutionary biologist famous for his work on The Selfish Gene and The Extended Phenotype; and Hawking... oh come on, of course you know Stephen Hawking! You probably saw him on Epic Rap Battles of History) But, to judge them as atheists, Higgs is a better one than Dawkins and Hawking.

From top to bottom: Peter Higgs, Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking. (All pics from Wikipedia.)

           Unlike Higgs, Dawkins and Hawking (but especially Dawkins) see all Christians stereotypically as Fundamentalists (but “Dawkins in a way is almost a fundamentalist himself,” said Higgs). Although there are open-minded Christians who also believe and evolution and big bang, Dawkins still see them as Fundamentalist. For him, any non-atheist is a fundamentalist.
           But Higgs is an exception. He is an atheist, yet he knows the word RESPECT. He respects religion, because he knows the word RESPECT, which some atheists, despite their wide scientific vocabulary, did not know. Higgs even dislike calling the Higgs boson the “God particle,” because he did not want religious people to be offended (but some sources say that Higgs dislike such because it's a sort of sensationalism.) Well, Sir Higgs, you deserve every religious people’s respect.
          Some atheists are assholes, but Higgs is the kind of atheist that deserves our respect. I’m a Darwinist and a supporter of a naturalistic approach on nature, and I’m also a Catholic, and I believe that Higgs, despite his atheist philosophy deserves a special place in the Kingdom of God.
          Dawkins often see religion as a very very very inferior system of human thought. Although, I admit that some are really inferior in nature, but, for sure, you’re very ignorant of Indian religious philosophy and Thomasian Catholic philosophy. You don’t know how complex these philosophical systems are. Your knowledge is all isolated in evolutionary biology. You cannot understand the world very well if you only know science, but you lack understanding of philosophy. Maybe you just don’t know that the very foundation of science is philosophy.
          I also want to clarify here that atheism is not science, and science is not atheism, (naturalism is science). Just because you’re a Christian doesn’t mean you’re anti-science. There are Christians who are Darwinists too. 
          Atheism is just one of the philosophies generated by human thought, so criticizing one’s philosophy because it’s not similar to yours is just like criticizing your own. If atheists could just respect other’s beliefs, that’d be great. We all have the right to criticize, but do it without being an asshole. 

Sorry for the bad English, it’s not my lingua franca.

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