Friday, January 16, 2015

6 Facts About the Papacy

Para makiuso sa Papal Visit, here are some facts about the papacy.

                                                                       Saint Peter

1. The first pope was St. Peter. Before He dies, Jesus handed the keys of Heaven to Saint Peter. He said in Matthew 16:18-19: “I tell you, Peter: you are rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” When He died, Saint Peter traveled to Rome and established the Church of Christ there. When he was martyred, his position as Bishop of Rome was taken by Saint Linus, then followed by Saint Anacletus, followed by Saint Clement I, so on, then, recently, Pope Francis. There is even a complete list of succession of popes. You could even visit Saint Peter’s tomb below Saint Peter’s Basilica. Virtually all historians agree on this history.

      Saint Peter’s tomb lies directly below Saint Peter baldachin by the sculptor Bermini. 

2. There was legend about a Female pope. There was a legend written in 13th century chronicles that there was a female pope named Pope Joan. She was said to be a talented and learned woman. She disguised to look like a man and because of her abilities, she rose in church hierarchy. It was said she gave birth unexpectedly during a public procession, exposing her sex, triggering an angry mob that ended her life. 

                                          The mythical Pope Joan giving birth in public. 

3. The first pope to not use his personal name was Pope John II. The first pope to not use his personal name was Pope John II because his personal name, Mercurio, is the name of a Roman pagan god.

4. Pope John Paul II criticized Ferdinand Marcos. Pope John Paul II criticized Ferdinand Marcos in front of him and the world. As a result, Marcos abandoned his speech and apologized to the pope. Badass Pope John Paul II.

                            Pope John Paul II with Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos beside him. 

5. Pope Francis was considered to be the “pope of many firsts.” Pope Francis was the first pope born outside Europe since Pope Gregory III (731-741) and first from the Americas. He was the first Jesuit pope; first to use the name “Francis;” first to use a non-composed regnal name since Pope Lando (913-914).

6. Before entering the seminary, Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) worked as a nightclub bouncer.

                                                           Young Jorge Mario Bergoglio




All pictures from Wikipedia, except the Marcos pic ( and the Young Pope Francis pic (

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